At last year’s Eurobike, Urtopia debuted as the world’s first e-bike with ChatGPT. Some saw it as just hype. Well, over the past year, we’ve enhanced its AI features. Now, Urtopia GPTs have matured, ready to remember you, help you, and empower you. Introducing Urtopia GPTs.

Widespread Acclaim Since Borned

“It’s incredibly fun to ride.”
“Urtopia e-bike is basically a computer on wheels”
“The AI-powered co-pilot adds a new level of intelligence and interactivity to the already tech-infused e-bikes offered by Urtopia.”
“You won’t find a bike much lighter with more tech baked in than the Urtopia. ”
“die mit ihrem gleichnamigen Carbon-Bike ein optisch als auch technisch in mehreren Punkten spannendes Pedelec anbietet.”
“Mehr Spaß und Komfort soll bei Urtopia vor allem künstliche Intelligenz (KI) bringen.”
“Schick, leicht und elektrisch ist das Carbon-Pedelec von Urtopia außerdem.”
“Das Urtopia ist ein Computer, der auch fahren kann.”
“Sprechendes E-Bike mit Allradantrieb”
“The iPhone among e-bikes”
“iPhone unter den E-Bikes“ bezeichnet zu werden’.”
“Agil-handlicher Stadtflitzer”

Real AI E-Bike

This Bike Can Introduce Itself

Urtopia GPTs have been trained thousands of times to become your dedicated Urtopia riding assistant. It can introduce itself and instantly provide answers to any questions you have about Urtopia or cycling. Now, it’s your personal encyclopedia for all things Urtopia riding.

Flawless Voice Interaction

Remembers You, Travels with You

Urtopia GPTs now offer real-time online voice feedback with enhanced language recognition. Quickly control functions like gears and lights by speaking. Get helpful tips and navigation for a smoother, more enjoyable ride.

Genuine Human-Bike Interaction

Understands You, Empowers You

Urtopia GPTs can now remember commands and engage in multi-turn natural conversations, chatting with you like a friend. It even offers logical riding advice, ensuring the best acceleration and navigation for different scenarios.

Invite You to Experience the
Groundbreaking Urtopia GPTs!

Ludwig-Erhard-Anlage 1, 60327 Frankfurt am Main, Germany
03.07. - 07.07. 2024 Booth: Hall 8.0 E16
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Urtopia Fusion

The world’s first
DMDB ebike

DMDB means dual motor and dual batteries, offering an extended range of 200 kilometers with a dual-drive 500W motor at the front and rear. Fusion GT provides a thrilling sense of speed.

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Mastered Design

Hartmut Esslinger

Legendary Designer
For Apple & Sony

Legendary designer Hartmut Esslinger, renowned for his iconic contributions to Apple and Sony, has brought his expertise to the development of our new e-bike, Fusion. All designs are guided by the principle “form follows function,” emphasizing safety, versatile terrains, and user-friendly simplicity. This sets the tone for Fusion.

Award-winning Design

Fusion made its debut at CES and immediately won the CES 2024 Honorees Award and recognition from USA Today.

New App Feature

Custom Gear Shifts for Ultimate Control

With our latest app update, you can now personalize your gear shift settings. Once familiar with Urtopia riding, you can adjust the acceleration to suit your preferences, making your ride more personalized. Your unique speed is right here.

AIOT Platform

Why We are Smartest E-Bike

We have built a set of motor electronic controls, IOT systems and cloud servers, and are linked through eSIM cards to form a bike-shaped mobile phone system architecture. In this way, after we open the API, we can integrate software service functions and resources from all human society. As long as a software company opens its API, it can be integrated into our ecosystem. That’s why our e-bike has Apple Health, Google Maps, STRAVA and even ChatGPT integrated. We want to create an intelligent software and hardware ecosystem.

In addition to software, we are also open to peripheral smart hardware, linking smart helmets, smart rings, smart watches, smart AR glasses, etc. with our bikes to form an overall smart riding experience and build smart riding ecological products system.

Love From Celebrities and Athletes

Urtopia e-bikes are the choice of celebrities and athletes from around the world.

Jennifer Jolly Emmy Award-Winning Tech Journalist
Linus Tech Tips 15.5M Subscriber Youtube
Tracy MacGrady NBA Hall of Fame
Maksim Mrvica The world’s fastest pianists
Ben Baller Best Jewelers in the World
Max Lemke 2021 Canoeing Olympic Champion
Philip Heintz Vice world champion European champion
Franz Loeschke 5x German champion triathlete
Norris Frederick Member of Team USA. 3x Indoor U.S Bronze Medal.
Alessandro Barbero BMX rider, 3x Italian champion
DiAndre Campbell Former Wide Receiver for NFLSF 49ers
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